Threads of Tradition, Threads of Change
This is a virtual event via Zoom. Please pre-register for the webinar: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_0nW_opcEQzCNbyndeg8TJg Sallie Anna Steiner will talk about her research study with smett weavers in Sunnfjord, Norway as well as her research with the refugee sewing group in Sunnfjord. In this talk she will be discussing how various kinds of social forces--in the former case industrialization and urbanization, and in the latter case migration and immigration--impact the development and practice of traditional textile arts. By melding these two projects, we can understand how textile tradition has been a part of Norwegian culture for centuries. More importantly these textile traditions are becoming part of the society as more recently as people from Africa, Asia, and the Middle East come to Norway. You will find this talk will engage your interest in Norwegian cultural history and immigration from unique angles. Our speaker, Sallie Anna Steiner, Sallie Anna, has a BA in Scandinavian Studies from Concordia College, a MA in Folklore Studies from the U.W.-Madison and a Ph.D. In Folklore Studies from U.W. Madison . She has served as a folklorist for several organizations in Wisconsin since 2017 and is currently the Program Manager at Folklore Village near Dodgeville Wisconsin.
Threads of Tradition, Threads of Chan...Date and Time
Saturday Mar 27, 2021
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM CDTSaturday, March 27th, 2021 1:00pm-2:00pm
Online via Zoom: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_0nW_opcEQzCNbyndeg8TJg Livsreise Norwegian Heritage Center
Contact Information
Marg Listug Livsreise Norwegian Heritage Center 608-873-7567 livsreise@norwegianheritagecenter.org
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