Brewing Your Way: August 16, 2025
9am - 3pm • Racetrack Park • Rain or Shine!
Way back in 1880 Stoughton's Coffee Street was having daily coffee breaks for coffee. The citizenry being 80% Norwegian (100% on Coffee Street) just had to fit in some time of day to send a batch of coffee through their system between meals.
With the T.G. Mandt Wagon Co. going strong, it became necessary for tobacco firms to hire women for the seasonal tobacco steaming. The Gunderson Tobacco Warehouse at Main & Coffee Streets was ideal for hiring women because it was so near their homes and they could run home to check on the kids, the house and see how the next meal was progressing.
With these chores done and a hot pot of coffee constantly on the stove, what was more natural than to have a cup? So began today's coffee break - a few minutes to relax and refresh with coffee.
Coffee Break Festival is held the third Saturday in August with a Coffee Brew-Off, Cup O' Joe All Wheels Show, Arts and Crafts, and More!
All-Wheels Show Awards include: Best AMC, Best American Bike, Best Antique, Best Camaro, Best Camper Trailer, Best GM, Best Convertible, Best Cruising Car, Best Ford, Best Hod Rod, Best Import, Best Investment, Best Mopar, Best Mustang, Best Paint, Best Saturday Night, Best Sunday Drive, Best Tractor, Mayor's Choice, People's Choice, Young Gun, and more!
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Thank You To The 2025 Sponsors
Mug Sponsor: One Community Bank
Mocha Sponsors:
Atreyu + Bastion | Conant Automotive | Culver's | Livsreise | Stoughton Health | Stoughton Trailers | Stoughton UtilitiesLatte Sponsors:
Holt Real Estate Team | Pizza Pit | Skaalen Retirement ServicesCappuccino Sponsors:
Trophy Sponsors:
Abbey Welsh State Farm | Conant Automotive | Evolve Insurance Solutions | Gunderson Funeral and Cremation Care | Inkworks | Level Up Fitness | Marcia Standard
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