Relay For Life Meeting
Relay For Life of Rock and Dane Counties Stoughton Meeting Planned The Relay For Life of Dane and Rock Counties welcomes Dane and Rock County area residents to learn more about our 2023 event. In the past two years, the Relay has grown and welcomes past teams, participants, survivors, and sponsors to re-engage with the American Cancer Society in fighting cancer and supporting those affected by it. We have a team captain’s meeting along with an information session on Wednesday, April 19, at 6:00 PM, at the Stoughton Health – Community Health & Wellness Center (3162 Cty Rd. B, Stoughton, WI 53589). We ask that each team has at least one representative at this meeting – it doesn’t have to be the team captain if the team captain isn’t able to attend! Please join us as we discuss our incredibly successful 2022 event and share updates on our August 19, 2023 Relay! We'll also have resources available for fundraising, sponsorships, luminaria, registration, and MORE! We welcome team members, individuals touched by cancer, school personnel, sponsors and anyone interested in being a part of our event to come. For more information, contact Maddie Petre at maddie.petre@cancer.org. To learn more about our Relay, visit Dane and Rock Counties Relay For Life website: www.relayforlife.org/daneandrockcountieswi and Dane and Rock Counties Relay For Life Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/RFLDaneAndRockCounties
Relay For Life MeetingDate and Time
Wednesday Apr 19, 2023
6:00 PM - 7:15 PM CDTApril 19 6:00 PM
Stoughton Health – Community Health & Wellness Center 3162 Cty Rd. B, Stoughton, WI 53589
Contact Information
Maddie Petre
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