Relay For Life March Pi Auction
The Relay For Life of Dane and Rock Counties is holding an online auction to celebrate Pi Day! We have several dessert pies and gift certificates for restaurants that offer either pizza pies or dessert pies (along with other items!) to help raise money for the American Cancer Society and our Relay For Life event! The auction will run from 6 AM on Monday, March 7 and end at 12:00 noon on Saturday, March 12th. If the actual pie is in the auction to the winning bidder, we will ask that the winning bidder sends the money in, then we will connect the winner and the donor for making the arrangement. For gift certificates, payment must be made before the certificate is sent or given to the winner. You can bid at https://www.32auctions.com/RFLDaneRockPiMarch2022 The American Cancer Society supports cancer patients, survivors, caretakers, and helps fund research in the fight against cancer. Our Relay will be held in conjunction with the Stoughton Coffee Break Festival on August 20th in Stoughton with a Relay Booth at Coffee Break and then our event that evening at Mandt Park. You can learn more by visiting our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/RFLDaneAndRockCounties or our website: www.relayforlife.org/daneandrockcountieswi For more information, contact Darlene Arneson, RFL of Dane and Rock Counties Event Lead at Arnesonfamily5@gmail.com or 608-873-7209.
Relay For Life March Pi AuctionDate and Time
Monday Mar 7, 2022 Saturday Mar 12, 2022
March 7-12 (6 am on Monday- noon on Saturday)
Online at https://www.32auctions.com/RFLDaneRockPiMarch2022
Highest bidding price
Contact Information
Darlene Arneson 608-873-7209
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