Maundy Thursday
We do not use the word “covenant” a lot in the Lutheran Church, but it is an important term used in Scripture. God made a covenant with Israel at Mt. Sinai. That “old covenant” was in place until Jesus came. Jesus ushed in the “new covenant” which is proclaimed in the Lord’s Supper. We will look at the meaning of the word “covenant” and contrast the old with the new, focusing on what this means for us as followers of Jesus.
Maundy ThursdayDate and Time
Thursday Apr 6, 2023
6:30 PM - 7:30 PM CDTIn person @ 6:30 p.m.
OrStreamed live and posted on our Face Book page (Good Shepherd by the Lake).
Good Shepherd by the Lake Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod
1860 US Highway 51 StoughtonContact Information
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