G.S. Lenten Service
Midweek Lenten Series
Jesus on Trial
After His arrest, Jesus faced two/three trials (two official, one unofficial). The Jewish leaders condemned Jesus for blasphemy, for claiming to be the Messiah, the Son of God, though in stating so He told the truth. But they could not put Him to death. For that they neede the help of Pilate, the Roman Governor. So, Jesus stood trial again the next day. Pilate knew Jesus was innocent, but condemned Him anyway out of convenience and to save his own political skin. Pilate could not wash his hands of his guilt, and neither an we.
G.S. Lenten ServiceDate and Time
Wednesday Mar 22, 2023
6:30 PM - 7:30 PM CDTIn person @ 6:30 pm
OrStreamed live and posted on our Face Book page (Good Shepherd by the Lake).
Good Shepherd by the Lake Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod
1860 US Highway 51 StoughtonContact Information
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