G.S. Lenten Service
Midweek Lenten Series
Peter’s Denials
Just hours before Jesus was arrested, Peter proclaimed his willingness to die for Jesus if necessary. Even if all the others failed Jesus, Peter confidently promised he would not. But Jesus told him that on that very night Peter would deny Him three times. And indeed he did. Weakness and fear contributed to Peter’s denial. Yet after the Resurrection we see a very differnt Peter. As with all our failures, God used Peter’s many failures, including his three denials of Christ, to turn him from Simon, a common man with a common name, into Peter, the Rock.
G.S. Lenten ServiceDate and Time
Wednesday Mar 15, 2023
6:30 PM - 7:30 PM CDTIn person @ 6:30 pm
OrStreamed live and posted on our Face Book page (Good Shepherd by the Lake).
Good Shepherd by the Lake Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod
1860 US Highway 51 StoughtonContact Information
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